Welcome to the"We Are Indiana" web site! We are a non-partisan entity organized by community and faith leaders from across the state in an effort to show support for Indiana's working families.
Hoosier working families, like all American families, are struggling to survive in the ever changing global economy. Hoosiers are working more, but making less and the American Dream is slipping from the grasps of too many of our fellow citizens. Through this coalition, we are working to encourage citizens, business owners and our elected leaders join us in standing for good jobs, good wages and opportunity for all Hoosiers. Specfically, we oppose the so-called "Right to Work" law, which is designed to lower all workers's wages, remove needed safety provisons and strip away workers' and business owners' ability to collectively bargain.
In these challenging times all Hoosiers must all come together to demand better. We don't have time for the tired old political attacks, and we won't stand for out-of-state corporations and special interest groups driving our wages further down.
Regardless of race, creed or color, we are ALL Indiana - and we are all in this economic struggle together.
Does ‘Right-to-Work’ Create Jobs?
“Right-to-Work” vs. The Rights of Workers
The Compensation penalty of “right-to-work” laws